Today my 6 year old son randomly flipped through the hymn book and started quietly singing "I am a Child of God" during a talk in sacrament meeting. He is blissfully unaware of the goings-on in the world right now. Normally I would tell him to be quiet; that it wasn't time for singing. Today I let it slide.
That was, until he started singing louder interpretations of songs he didn't know! Love that little man, and I am so thankful for him as well as his siblings. Counting my big little blessings tonight. They embody joy (among other things) on a daily basis.
On my fire wife blog, I wrote today about how my firefighter husband emotionally processes trauma. A huge part of that coping mechanism is faith in the plan of salvation. He stands at the door as people of all ages pass through to the other side of the veil. He sees this transition happen. Being grounded in his faith is certainly a blessing in his chosen career! It's a job that brings to the forefront just how precious the doctrine of eternal progression is.
Knowing that there is more to life than the events of this week comforts me, too.